Letters Against Isolation, Inc. (EIN: 87-2142793) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, and donations may be tax deductible. Please check with your financial advisor.
Here are just a few ways that your generous donations will be put to use by LAI:
~ Your $10 donation covers our cost to keep our Sign Up Portal up and running for a week
~ Your $20 donation covers 25 stamps for students and seniors in need through our Anne Granville Stamp Fund
~ Your $40 donation covers the cost of stationery and printer ink for one month for our coordinators to respond to new facilities
~ Your $120 donation covers a month's subscription to the software that we use to communicate with our community
​~ Your $200 donation covers 3 months operating costs for our Stationery Exchange, making it possible for anyone to volunteer, regardless of financial means
~ Your $520 donation covers our Sign Up Portal's costs for 1 year
Do you work for a Corporation which offers grants to small non-profits or has a matching gift program for their employees? Please let us know!
Should you want to make an online donation, please fill out the payment form below
Should you want to make a check donation, please fill out the form below before mailing your check.
Please email lettersagaisntisolation@gmail.com for the address to mail your check to.