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Dates of Distinction: July

LAI Volunteer Coordinators

Looking for topics to write about in the month of July? Check out this blogpost, written by Pamela, one of our fantastic volunteer coordinators. These fun facts and dates in the month of July are great ways to get started writing, and the seniors love reading about them!

Thank you Susan, Audrey, Patricia, Laurie, Patty, and Colleen for sending in photos of your bright cards filled with sunshine!


Hello Amazing LAI Volunteers!

July is such a festive month full of yummy food and fun! Hope this July trivia provides some inspiration for your letters to the Seniors! ❤


Fun facts about the month of July:

~ Did you know that the first-ever international telephone call was made in July? It took place between Canada and the US on July 1, 1881.

~ The birthstone for July is the Ruby.

~ The flower for July is the Water Lily.

~July’s name comes from Julius Caesar, who was born on July 12, 100 BC.


Some fun, non-traditional July dates to share with the seniors:

July 1: Canada Day and International Joke Day

July 4: Independence Day and BBQ Ribs Day

July 6: International Kissing Day and Fried Chicken Day

July 7: Tell the Truth Day and World Chocolate Day

July 8: Blueberry Day and Coca Cola Day

July 9: Sugar Cookie Day

July 10: National Kitten Day and Piña Colada Day

July 11: Blueberry Muffins Day and Slurpee Day and Cheer Up the Lonely Day

July 12: Pecan Pie Day

July 14: Shark Awareness Day and Macaroni and Cheese Day

July 15: Tapioca Pudding Day and Give Away Something Day

July 16: National Cherry Day

July 18: Ice Cream Day

July 21: Hot Dog Day

July 23: Vanilla Ice Cream Day and Gorgeous Grandma Day

July 25: Chili Dog Day and Merry-Go-Round Day

July 29: Lasagna Day and International Tiger Day

July 30: Cheesecake Day and Share a Hug Day and International Day of Friendship


As always...HAPPY WRITING!


Are you in need of more inspiration? Click here to view the full collection of letter writing and decoration inspiration blog posts!

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