Are you looking for topics to write about in the month of October? Check out this blogpost, written by Ellen, one of our fantastic volunteer coordinators. These fun facts and dates in the month of October are great ways to get started writing, and the seniors love reading about them!
Thank you to our Facebook volunteers - Kim, Racine, Susan, Mary Beth, Chris, Audrey, and Patricia - for sending in photos of your amazing letters and cards!
This is our last blogpost of summer... time to look ahead to autumn! It's easy to incorporate themes about cooler weather, colorful leaves on the trees and Halloween... but how about sharing some of these more unusual "holidays" with our seniors:
And here are some of October's quirky Dates of Distinction...pick a couple which you find interesting and share them (in stories and pictures) with our seniors:
~ October boasts two birthstones - Opal and Tourmaline
~ October has three flowers - Calendula, Marigold and Cosmos
~ As you can see from the below list, October celebrates SEVEN food-oriented "holidays."
Looks like a fun month in store!
Some fun, non-traditional October dates to share with the seniors:
October 1 - Music Day
October 3 - Butterfly Day
October 4 - Cinnamon Roll Day
October 5 - Teacher's Day
October 6 - Garlic Lovers Day
October 8 - Octopus Day
October 10 - Angel Food Cake Day
October 12 - Farmers Day
October 14 - Dessert Day
October 18 - Chocolate Cupcake Day
October 19 - New Friends Day
October 20 - Sloth Day
October 25 - Art Day (Picasso's Birthday!)
October 26 - Pumpkin Day
October 28 - Chocolate Day
As always...HAPPY WRITING!
Are you in need of more inspiration? Click here to view the full collection of letter writing and decoration inspiration blog posts!