Are you looking for topics to write about in the month of September? Check out this blogpost, written by our leadership team. These fun facts and dates in the month of September are great ways to get started writing, and the seniors love reading about them!
Thank you to our student and Facebook volunteers for sending in photos of your stunning cards and letters! These were made by Becky, Susan, Paula, Siri, and Diane!
As September approaches, it’s time to share back-to-school memories! Did you have a favorite and least favorite subject in school? Do you remember wearing brand-new clothes on the first day of school? Did you walk to school or ride the bus? Was there a special book which had an impact on you as a child? Did you attend college close to home or in a faraway place? Tell the seniors about it!
And here are some of September's quirky Dates of Distinction. Pick a couple which you find interesting and share them (in stories and pictures) with our seniors:
~ September's gemstone is the Sapphire.
~ September's flower is the Aster or Morning Glory
Some fun, non-traditional September dates to share with the seniors:
September 3: Skyscraper Day
September 4: Wildlife Day
September 6: Read a Book Day
September 7: Salami Day
September 9: Teddy Bear Day
September 12: Chocolate Milkshake Day
September 13: Peanut Day
September 17: Apple Dumpling Day
September 18: Cheeseburger Day
September 21: World Gratitude Day
September 22: Elephant Appreciation Day
September 25: Comic Book Day
September 27: Chocolate Milk Day
September 28: Good Neighbor Day
September 29: Coffee Day
As always...HAPPY WRITING!
Are you in need of more inspiration? Click here to view the full collection of letter writing and decoration inspiration blog posts!