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Senior Recipient

“Thank you so very much! They really made my day. I enjoy them, I keep them, and I read them every day. The letters took me back to when I was a teenager receiving love letters!"

Gadsden Health and Rehab Center's Activities Director

"When I walk through the halls, I can spy letters proudly displayed around many of the residents' rooms. Sometimes I'll ask about the stories behind them, and it's easy to sense how deeply personal they are to some residents."


Marjorie Ross she is 103 years - Gadsden Health & Rehab
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Senior Recipient

"Reading the letters reminds me that I'm not alone in this isolation period, and that we are all in this together. It is touching to see that people of all ages care about people in other communities. Overall, it makes me feel uplifted."

"Your letters have meant so much to the residents. We put letter handing out days on everybody's calendar and the residents all look forward to it!”


Wingate at Sharon Short-Term Rehab Staff



Senior Recipient

"The letters make me feel part of the world, especially now that I am isolated."

"The cards really bring so much inspiration and light into this dark time. We are so shut down from the outside world… and miss the outside energy that visitors bring. These letters have really succeeded in bringing that outside energy to our residents. The letters and cards also help take their mind off of the fact that they are stuck inside. They are just a constant stream of positivity!"


Wingate at Sharon Short-Term Activities Director

Wingate at Sharon


Senior Recipient

It was a surprise, a wonderful surprise. It cheered me up. Especially with the lack of communication during this time, it was nice to hear from someone who was thinking of me. I hope to frame them someday and keep them on my dresser so I can look at them every day.”


Assisted Living and Wellspring Memory Care at Williamstown's Activity Director

"Please know that the hundreds of letters and cards that our residents have received have helped tremendously during this time of lockdowns due to the COVID-19 virus. Thank you!"

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Shepherd’s Care Foundation's Activities Director

"It is such a pleasure to deliver your letters from all over North America (so far) to our residents. The honor of being on the receiving end of their surprise and delight when every day we get to say to each of them… “you have mail”! Their faces are priceless, and their hearts are so warmed by your kindness… on their behalf, my most deep and sincere gratitude."

"We have been receiving letters for quite some time and I just want to take a moment to share what a big impact this program has made on the residents. The residents stop me frequently to share a letter that they have received and to tell a story of the person who wrote to them. LAI artwork is on the walls of many bedrooms and night tables. I also see residents bringing their letters to meals to share with their neighbor in delight. This program is above and beyond what I expected and the reactions are uplifting to say the least. Seeing the sheer delight when I deliver a LAI is a ray of light that we all need. As a caregiver during the hard times of COVID, there were days when I would open the letters with the residents looking for some strength and hope myself. The support from anonymous angels has carried many of us through a difficult time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart- and from all of our hearts."


Teresian House Center for the Elderly's Activities Director

Teresian House Center for the Elderly
Teresian House Center for the Elderly


Senior Recipient

"The letters and cards made me feel very important. It made me feel like someone was thinking of me"

Resident at Vanderbilt Apartments

Senior Recipient

"Letters Against Isolation is a group of folks who have been sending letters to senior citizens all over our country anonymously since COVID started keeping us in. I received one today from a nice lady named Carol. Our Service Coordinator, Vance, had me read the letter and made this picture. I want to share this from the card, "Why aren't dogs good dancers???  Because they have two left feet!!!"  This little card brightened my day."

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